
## Entry kedua hari Selasa ##

Saya dah dapat officer baru menggantikan Mr R yang ditukar ke Dept D. Ini kira mcm swapping officer lah  coz i got officer from Dept D. Dia ni tak lah baru pun. Dah 4 years in service, dah gred 44 pun. Dan ada Master (adoiii bos dia ni pun tak ada lagii..cabaran tuuu)

Dia ni memang pilihan saya, dlm banyak2 list of officers yang diberikan kpd saya hari tu. (wah kelasss ko mcm pilih senarai menantu je kan..siap ada pilihan lagi). Ada banyak reasons saya pilih dia compared to other officers.

Dia ni selalu berurusan dengan saya eventho dia keje sectoral division. Kan kerja saya mcm bagus jer..semua sector – Aviation, Land and Maritime semua nak kena tahu. So, saya pernah deal with him selalu la. In detail malas lah nak cerita kenapa saya pilih dia. (no favouritism yer). But, generally i picked him up coz saya perlukan perfomer, bukan thinker. I mean, i nak kerja jalan cepat. My subordinates don’t need to think think sampai pengsan. Let me handle with the thinking matters and decide for you. And you (sub) just do it. Sounds like HELL kan..but that’s the truth. All i need is perfomer. Not someone who use the reason of thinking to procrastinate job. Coz my job needs to be settled fast. Nak fikir tu boleh tapi jgn sampai meletup kepala. Entahlah, i don’t know about people outside. Lain orang lain ragam kan.

And so far, up to 4 oclock tadi, he is doing well. Dia dah masuk Tender Board pagi tadi. Well done, keputusan dapat cepat dan semua dah filing. Dan now surat keputusan dah sampai ke relevant Jabatan. Sampai lunch pun dia tak makan. I told him “come on, i bukan bos jenis tak kasi officer mati tak makan. even kalau u lapar pkl 11 pon, if u think u have to eat, just go and eat. jgn mati sebab tak makan. Ini Malaysia bukan Somalia. I tak kejam nak punish u kalau u berhenti buat kerja pasal nak makan. Cuma..u jgn buat alasan pulak tak nak buat kerja…” .Dia senyum jer..okla kasi can u buat baik first day (hahahahahaaa..cruel!!)

Ini baru first day for him and for us here in the Department. So, i see a lot of improvements that i can cultivate in him for the benefit of the nation (wah….jauh fikiran tuu). i have rearranged the schedule of a few reports and rotate between my officers (4 orang jer pun termasuk seorang clerk). I feel grateful coz now i have the chance to improve everything. Thanks for the reshuffle (reorganisation) again, Dato!!!!!!!

p/s: 1 thing I always agree:

Be loyal to your boss. Once he/ she is up, he will bring up the loyal subordinates with him/ her all the way. Tak rugi bila ikhlas membantu boss. Boss will notify the most helpful and resourceful subordinates, it’s for sure ~~~based from my very own experience!!!!!


p/s/s: Aishah, i’m sure sooner or later u’ll read this entry. So, this is how i feel!!!!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. aishahkay
    Oct 04, 2011 @ 17:44:37

    i guess i know this officer….
    once he followed me to the parliament and he doesn’t even want to go out for lunch.
    hmmm. lucky u. i am officer-less for quite time…


    • mamawafiy
      Oct 05, 2011 @ 08:18:21

      sure u lebih dari kenal lah chah..
      alamak aku x tau pulak dia mmg tak makan lunch ke hapa…
      psl officer kau tu..kesiann la..mmg tak blh ganti kan


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